Category: Mobility Scooters

The answer is yes – it is possible to use a mobility scooter with one hand, but it may be more difficult. and it may take some practice and adjustment. Just be sure to always use caution when operating a mobility scooter. 

  • First, it’s important to practice using the scooter with one hand before taking it out for a drive. You can practice manoeuvring the scooter while you get comfortable with the controls.
  • Additionally, it’s a good idea to find a mobility scooter specifically designed for one-handed use. By doing this, the scooter will be easier to operate with one hand.

It is standard to have the forward control paddle on Mobility Scooters on the right-hand side and the reverse control paddle on the left. However, this can usually be reversed if you are left-handed or have restricted use of either hand.