
What Is A Boot Scooter?

Are you looking for a mobility scooter that you can take apart so that you can transport it easily? Do you need your mobility scooter to fit into the boot of your car? A boot scooter should be easy to take apart, should fold or dismantle simply, and should be light...

What Is A Car Transportable Scooter?

Ideally, a car transportable scooter should be quick and easy to fold or dismantle allowing you to get it into your vehicle with ease. The Qfold mobility scooter is a great example of this.  It is a revolutionary lightweight but strong and stable folding scooter that...

How Much Does A Car Transportable Scooter Weigh?

In order for a mobility scooter to be foldable and easy to transport, it must be lightweight. With the lighter units, they are generally smaller in the frame and easier to carry. Many fold-up scooters can weigh as little as 16 kgs and as much as 30kgs. The Qfold...

How Do I Charge My Mobility Scooter?

All scooters are sold with a charger.  You should plug the charger into the scooter charging point before plugging it into the mains. This is normally found on the tiller of the scooter which is the main handle-bars of the scooter. The charging point is normally at...

Do I Need To Insure My Mobility Scooter?

You are not legally required to have insurance for your mobility scooter but it is highly recommended.  There is a number of risks that the insurance will cover and these include: – Third-party liability (bumping into a parked car or driving over someone’s foot)...