
How Often Should I Service My Mobility Scooter?

Most manufacturers recommend that you have your scooter serviced annually.  It is important to keep it in working order. An annual service is often a requirement for insurance cover. We liken it to a car service. If your car is looked after and serviced regularly it...

Do I Need To Tax My Mobility Scooter?

Good news – the answer is NO.  The road-legal mobility scooters are not legally designed as motor vehicles and are therefore not subject to road tax and they are not required to have an MOT, although we strongly recommend, they have regular service. It is advisable to...

What Is A Pavement Scooter?

A pavement scooter is a Class 2 machine that can be used on all pavements and footpaths which has a top speed of 4mph. You can use pedestrian and zebra crossings to get across the road.  You are not permitted to ride your scooter along the road, except where there is...

Is My Scooter Road Legal?

There are a number of specific features that a scooter must have to be classified as road legal.  It must have working headlights, rear lights and indicators, a horn, a rear-view mirror and emergency hand brakes.  Road legal scooters can travel up to 8mph but must...

Are The Controls Easy To Use On A Mobility Scooter?

The controls on most scooters are very simple and easy to use.  They are usually driven using a finger or thumb control on the handlebars.  The lever is generally called a ‘wig-wag’. The majority of ‘wig-wags’ are operated with your thumb.  However, on some of the...